Diggin’ Up the Bible – 6 – Is there Evidence of the Red Sea Crossing?

One of the greatest miracles recorded in the Old Testament is the children of Israel’s crossing of the Red Sea. It is also one that people often consider just a fanciful story inserted to entertain ignorant religious adults and children.

When my husband was attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) and me Dallas Baptist University, the pastor’s wife of our church shared their experience concerning this miracle. They had attended a much more liberal seminary than SWBTS, and because they believed the Bible was the infallible and inerrant Word of God, they were a joke among their peers. Their acceptance of Bible stories such as the Red Sea crossing, the divine destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the fall of Jericho as actual history caused much amusement. When introduced by their friends to other seminary students, they were noted as “the couple who believes God actually parted the Red Sea.” An amused laugh concerning their naiveté would often follow.

So, is there evidence of the Red Sea crossing? If you follow the path shown on most Bible maps, the Israelites would have traveled far to the north of the mountains and barely caught the Red Sea. This trail, the one dubbed the crossing site by Emperor Constantine’s mother (Helena) due to a vision does not fit the biblical description? It does not enable the Israelites to be trapped as the Bible records. In Exodus 13-14, we read that the children of Israel were angry at Moses for leading them into this trap. There were mountains on both sides, the sea was before them, and the Egyptian army approached from behind them. Since the Bible is the inerrant word of God, then Helena was wrong, and so are all maps that indicate her chosen trail—regardless of where they are found. Remember, the Bible is the inerrant word of God, not the maps and indexes man inserts into them. 

When you study the landscape leading out of Egypt, there is one trail that leads to the Promised Land that does fit the biblical description. It leads to the Nuweiba Beach—a beach that can hold between 2 to 3 million people, and this trail matches the biblical description perfectly.

At the Nuweiba Beach crossing, there is a natural land bridge that is merely fifty feet below sea level. It is the only raised ground in the Red Sea, is a half-mile wide, and is smooth enough for people and wagons to travel upon. Every other part of the Red Sea would have been too steep or rough—due to coral—for wagons, horses, and people to have navigated. We don’t know if God formed this natural land bridge on the day of the crossing or during Noah’s flood, but it really doesn’t matter. It was there precisely when the Israelites needed it.

At this crossing site, archeologists have found chariot parts and chariot wheels (mostly covered with coral) that fit the description of the chariots of Moses’s day. They have also found human and horse bones. At both the entrance to the water at Nuweiba Beach and the exit on the other side, two massive pillars appearing to be built by King Solomon in honor of God’s protection of the Israelites were discovered. Meaning, in Solomon’s day, this was the accepted site of the Red Sea crossing.

For pictures and additional information, please go to www.arkdiscovery.com/red_sea_crossing.htm. On the left side of the page, double click on the words Red Sea Crossing. You can either watch the video over the Red Sea crossing or read the information accompanying the website. There are several other online sites where you can find even more pictures and information about this extraordinary, Bible-validating discovery. 

The Red Sea Crossing | A Rood Awakening! International